Read this line out aloud: I love this blog! Did you hear something? Something, or someone, that sounded like... you? You do know what you sound like, right? When you read that sentence aloud, you heard your own voice: vibrations generated by your vocal cords, moulded by your tongue, teeth and palate, propagating through the air (and partly through your knowledge-craving noggin), hitting your eardrums and after some more pit-stops, you sense the vibrations. And you call it sound!
Whatever you've heard since YOU, whether it was music, white noise, brown noise, conversations, et cetera, is all sound. So, what's with vibrations and sounds, I hear you ask (hehe, get it? "hear"). Sound is vibrations that your eardrums detect. That's all. All sounds are vibrations, but not vice versa. You will never "hear" a vibration till there is a material medium (a physical body) or a set of material media between its source and your eardrums. You can hear your friend babble all day long (unfortunately) about all these online multiplayer battle games because you both have air between his torturous vocal cords and your unfortunate set of eardrums. But if a satellite goes BOOM up there (I hope it doesn't, cause obvious reasons), you'd not hear it because of vacuum or the very rare air up there (that's a lot of rhymes) would not let the vibrations ever reach you.
Summarising the above paragraph: an object is physically disturbed, its particles are displaced from their position, and they hit other particles causing a chain of hitting and displacing throughout the object. If your eardrums are, in any manner (be it with the object directly or with some other media in between), in contact with the vibrating body, you'll hear sound. Yay!
Let's do a small activity. I ask you to imagine some things, you imagine those things. Simple? Let the games begin. Imagine a horse galloping. Done? Now imagine rain pattering. Next, imagine the thunder booming. Or a gunshot. Things supposed to be quiet being done unnecessarily loud, like a yawning adult in your vicinity (beware of those). Things supposed to be loud being eerily/suspiciously silent*, like a toddler in your vicinity (again, beware of those). There's an endless list of things that you could imagine, that have distinct memories with you. It was only possible for you to imagine the aforementioned things because you'd heard them at some point in your life. Onomaetopic phrases cause your mind to come up with the sound of the subject from the phrase, just like the earlier mentioned list of things. Your memory has thousands of "recordings" of so many things, which are triggered when you come across any references made to them.
If you wanna hear something right now, do anything that will cause a vibration to reach your eardrums. Just don't do anything stupid and risky. Don't.
Read my last (and best) blog here:
*Wipe that smug off your face and get your mind out of the gutter.
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